Imaging Science
The SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science brings together SIAM members and other scientists and engineers with an interest in the mathematical and computational aspects of imaging.
The reconstruction, enhancement, segmentation, analysis, registration, compression, representation, and tracking of two and three dimensional images are vital to many areas of science, medicine, and engineering. As a result, increasingly sophisticated mathematical, statistical, and computational methods are being employed in these research areas, which may be referred to as "imaging science." These techniques include transform and orthogonal series methods, nonlinear optimization, numerical linear algebra, integral equations, partial differential equations, Bayesian and other statistical inverse estimation methods, operator theory, differential geometry, information theory, interpolation and approximation, inverse problems, computer graphics and vision, stochastic processes, and others.
The activity group organizes the biennial SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, awards the SIAG/IS Best Paper Prize every two years to the authors of the best paper on mathematical and computational aspects of imaging, awards the SIAG/IS Early Career Prize to an outstanding early career researcher in the field of imaging science, and maintains a wiki, a member directory, and an electronic mailing list.
- Chair: Gitta Kutyniok (1/1/18-12/31/19)
- Vice Chair: Fiorella Sgallari (1/1/18-12/31/19)
- Program Director: Stacey Levine (1/1/18-12/31/19)
- Secretary: Lars Ruthotto (1/1/18-12/31/19)
Caption: Poster session at the 2008 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science
in San Diego