Tuesday July 26/7:30

MS28/Harbor 2

Parallel Elliptic Solvers

The solution of elliptic pde's is often one of the costliest phases in computer models in a number of disciplines. In this minisymposium, recent developments and research trends related to parallel elliptic solvers will be presented. Several different algorithmic approaches will be covered. The talks will address the interplay between algorithms, parallel architectures, and software issues. Each talk will use problems from some area of computational science to examine performance, but at the same time stress the applicability of the algorithmic ideas across disciplines. One of the goals is to reflect upon the extent to which the promise of parallelism has been realized in the context of elliptic solvers, and to distinguish surmountable problems from fundamental limits. (Further information about this session is accessible through MOSAIC, using the URL http://www-parallel-elliptic.cs.uiuc.edu.) Organizer: Faisal Saied University of Illinois, Urbana