Thursday July 28/3:15

MS51A/Marina 1

Special Functions and Asymptotics (Part 1 of 3)

Co-sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Many problems arising in the natural sciences, engineering, combinatorics, and statistics, lead ultimately to approximating integrals or solving differential equations. The two topics of this minisymposium describe the basic solutions and techniques required to deal with such problems. All but the simplest special functions are often best described by asymptotic information (typically as one or more of the variables approaches infinity); at the same time, the asymptotic behavior of complicated functions is often best understood through the medium of known special functions. Frank Olver's classic "Asymptotics and Special Functions" (Academic Press, 1974) stresses this duality. This minisymposium will explore a variety of current approaches in these classical subjects. (For part 2, see MS54) (For part 3, see MS59.) Organizers: Charles F. Dunkl University of Virginia, and Martin E. Muldoon York University, Canada
  • (For part 2, see MS54.)
  • (For part 3, see MS59.)