Wednesday, July 16

3:15 PM-5:15 PM
Building 300, Room 300

Moving-Grid Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Part I of III)

Local refinement and moving-grid are two main grid adaptation strategies. This minisymposium is devoted to current developments in the area of moving-grid algorithms for numerical simulation of time dependent partial differential equations. For transient problems in scientific computing, moving-grid is an important alternative to local grid refinement. For instance, to simulate an unsteady flow with moving front or interface properly, a moving grid that remains clustered about the front or interface may be necessary. The speakers will discuss the effectiveness of moving-grid methods for a variety of applications. They will give an overview of the current developments in research and report their latest results in one, two, and three spatial dimensions.

Organizers: Guojun G. Liao, University of Texas, Arlington; and Paul A. Zegeling, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

(Cancelled) 3:15 Recent 3D GWMFE Results and a New Mixed MFE Method
Neil N. Carlson, Purdue University
(Cancelled) 3:45 Approximate Factorization Schemes for Solving Moving Mesh Partial Differential Equations
Weizhang Huang, University of Kansas
4:15 Adaptive Moving Grids for Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Paul A. Zegeling, Organizer
4:45 A Moving-Grid Method Based on Moser's Deformation Method
Guojun G. Liao, Organizer

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MMD, 7/3/97