Monday, January 6
3:05 PM-4:15 PM
Orleans-Rosalie-St. Claude
Chair: Michael Saks, Rutgers University

Session 14

3:05-3:25 Deterministic Algorithms for 2-d Convex Programming and 3-d Online LP
Timothy M. Chan, University of British Columbia, Canada
3:30-3:50 A Practical Approximation Algorithm for LMS Line Estimator
David M. Mount, Nathan S. Netanyahu, Kathleen Romanik, and Ruth Silverman, University of Maryland, College Park; and Angela Y. Wu, American University
3:55-4:15 Line Transversals of Balls and Smallest Enclosing Cylinders in Three Dimensions
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Duke University; Boris Aronov, Polytechnic University; and Micha Sharir, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

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MMD, 10/22/96