Tuesday, January 7
8:30 AM-10:05 AM
Ile de France 2&3
Chair: Frank Ruskey, University of Victoria, Canada

Session 17

8:30-8:50 Coloring with Defect
Lenore J. Cowen, Johns Hopkins University; Wayne Goddard, University of Natal, South Africa; and C. Esther Jesurum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
8:55-9:15 Approximation Algorithms for the Achromatic Number
Amitabh Chaudhary and Sundar Vishwanathan, Indian Institute of Technology, India
9:20-9:40 The Growth Rate of Vertex-Transitive Planar Graphs
Lászlo Babai, University of Chicago
9:45-10:05 Practical Toroidality Testing
Eugene Neufeld and Wendy Myrvold, University of Victoria, Canada

Registration | Hotel Information | Transportation | Program-at-a-Glance | Author Index

MMD, 10/22/96