Tuesday, January 7
2:00 PM-3:35 PM
Orleans-Rosalie-St. Claude
Chair: Sampath Kannan, University of Pennsylvania

Session 22

2:00-2:20 Data Structures for Mobile Data
Julien Basch and Leonidas J. Guibas, Stanford University; and John Hershberger, Mentor Graphics Corporation
2:25-2:45 Methods for Achieving Fast Query Times in Point Location Data Structures
Michael T.Goodrich, Johns Hopkins University; Mark Orletsky, Army Research Laboratory, Fort Belvoir; and Kumar Ramaiyer, Johns Hopkins University
2:50-3:10 Randomized Fully-Scalable BSP Techniques for Multi-Searching and Convex Hull Construction
Michael T. Goodrich, Johns Hopkins University
3:15-3:35 Partial Matching of Planar Polylines Under Similarity Transformations
Scott D. Cohen and Leonidas J. Guibas, Stanford University

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MMD, 10/22/96