Sunday, January 5
10:50 AM-12:25 PM
Ile de France 2&3
Chair: Monika Rauch Henzinger, Digital Systems Research Center and Cornell University

Session 3

10:50-11:10 Buckets, Heaps, Lists and Monotone Priority Queues
Boris V. Cherkassky, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russia; Andrew V. Goldberg, NEC Research Institute; and Craig Silverstein, Stanford University
11:15-11:35 All-Pairs Small-Stretch Paths
Edith Cohen, AT&T Bell Laboratories; and Uri Zwick, Tel Aviv University, Israel
11:40-12:00 Approximating Shallow-Light Trees
Guy Kortsarz, The Open University, Israel; and David Peleg, The Weizmann Institute, Israel
12:05-12:25 Self-Stabilizing Unidirectional Network Algorithms by Power-Supply
Yehuda Afek and Anat Bremler, Tel Aviv University, Israel

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MMD, 10/22/96