Sunday, January 5
4:40 PM-5:50 PM
Orleans-Rosalie-St. Claude
Chair: Frank Ruskey, University of Victoria, Canada

Session 8

4:40-5:00 Markov Chains for Linear Extensions, the Two-Dimensional Case
Stefan Felsner and Lorenz Wernisch, Freie Universit„t Berlin, Germany
5:05-5:25 Graph Orientations with No Sink and an Approximation for a Hard Case of #SAT
Russ Bubley and Martin Dyer, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
5:30-5:50 Determinant Algorithms for Random Combinatorial Structures
David B. Wilson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Registration | Hotel Information | Transportation | Program-at-a-Glance | Author Index

MMD, 10/22/96