Monday, November 3

Geometric Accuracy

1:45 PM-3:45 PM
Room: Belle Meade

Accuracy in geometric models has important consequences. Accuracy affects not only data transfers, but, more seriously, internal consistency of geometry. Inaccuracies are, however, a natural result of geometric construction and processing algorithms. Experience shows that no geometry system can eliminate all inaccuracies. Thus, geometry systems must manage errors. This requires that concepts be precisely understood and defined. In this minisymposium, the speakers will discuss some possibilities for dealing with these problems.

Organizer: Miriam L. Lucian
The Boeing Company

1:45 Gaps and Discontinuities - Accuracy Issues
Miriam L. Lucian, Organizer
2:15 Understanding and Managing Errors in Geometric Modeling
David R. Ferguson, The Boeing Company
2:45 Topology and Semantics Relative to Geometric Accuracy
Thomas J. Peters, University of Connecticut, Storrs
3:15 Title to be announced
Leon Seitelman, Independent Consultant

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MMD, 7/8/97
tjf, 7/17/97
MMD, 7/28/97