Thursday, November 4

Fair Shape Design

10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Room: Pueblos

Computer Aided Geometric Design develops many methods for curve and surface generation. Often pretty or fair curves and surfaces are required in applications. Fair shape design addresses ways to inspect the geometric quality of these curves and surfaces and develops strategies to remove shape imperfections. To improve the quality of a shape, suitable quantitative fairness measures are used. In this minisymposium, the speakers will present new ideas for shape optimization and discuss the transfer of fairing algorithms to practice.

Organizer: Josef Hoschek
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

Chair: Bert Jüttler
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

10:30-10:55 Shape from Permanence
Gerald Farin and Dianne Hansford, Arizona State University
11:00-11:25 Control Point Loci for a Locally Convex Tensor Product B-spline Surface
Panagiotis D. Kaklis and George D. Koras, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
11:30-11:55 Shape--Preserving Techniques for Spline Surfaces
Bert Jüttler, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
12:00-12:25 Two Specific Methods for Class A Surface Modeling in the Automotive Industry
Steffen H. Wahl, ICEM-Surf Hannover, Germany

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Created LMH, 5/18/99; Last Updated MMD, 10/14/99