Wednesday, November 3

CAD and Creativity

10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Room: Rio Grande Ballroom

New CAD tools are emerging to support artistic endeavors in two and three dimensions. They range from simple kaleidoscopic tiling programs to interactive software using fractals or chaos algorithms, to shape generators creating fair surfaces from sparse data sets. These programs minimize the tedium in the task of creating complex geometrical forms and patterns. By giving users high-level controls, they allow them to concentrate more fully on the aesthetics. The emerging shapes in turn may inspire novel ideas that extend the conceptual vision of the programmer/artist. This minisymposium should prove inspirational to geometric designers, artists, educators, and everybody who loves intriguing geometrical patterns.

Organizer: Carlo H. Sequin
University of California, Berkeley
10:30-10:55 Parameterized Geometrical Sculpture
Carlo H. Sequin, Organizer
11:00-11:25 Virtual Clay
Jeff Dorman, Alyn Rockwood, and Carl Dahl, Arizona State University
11:30-11:55 Applied Pattern Design with Artlandia
Igor Bakshee, Wolfram Research, Inc.
12:00-12:25 Use of Mathematics to Create Optimal Designs
John M. Sullivan, Univerity of Illinois, Urbana

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Created LMH, 5/18/99; Last Updated MMD, 6/15/99