Doctoral Forum
The SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2016) is pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of student travel scholarships to cover the registration and travel expenses for students participating SDM 2016 for:
- Student authors of papers that have been accepted for presentation in the main conference of SDM 2016
- Participants in the SDM 2016 Doctoral Forum
Important Dates and Details
Applications must be submitted by Sunday, February 15th, 2016 to ensure full consideration.
The notifications will be sent by Sunday, March 7th, 2016.
For the travel scholarships, local students who live within 30 miles of the conference venue can receive only registration expenses.
Application Process
An application will be in two steps:
1. Complete and submit an application form at the URL:
Students who wish to participate in the Doctoral Forum (regardless of whether they have a paper in the main conference) must provide in the application the title and the abstract of the dissertation research.
The abstract must include:
- Problem description, background, and significance
- Novelty relative to the state of the art (related work and their shortcomings)
- Approach, data, methods
- Results obtained and work in progress
2. Provide a letter of recommendation from the student's Ph.D. advisor, verifying the student status of the applicant, the expected date of thesis defense or graduation, and a brief explanation of why the student merits a travel scholarship. An applicant should ask his/her Ph.D. thesis advisor to email the recommendation letter directly to Mitsu Ogihara at [email protected] with the Subject line: SDM 2016: Recommendation letter for <the-applicant-name>
Doctoral Forum
The purpose of the SDM Doctoral Forums is to provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students working on topics related to data mining and knowledge discovery to discuss and receive feedback on their research from peers and senior practitioners in the field. The Doctoral Forum is an integral part of the SDM program and aims at offering encouragement, advice, and constructive criticisms to the presenters. Participation of women and other minority groups that are presently underrepresented in the Computer Science research community is welcome and strongly encouraged.
In SDM 2016 the Doctoral Forum will take the form of a poster session. Students who have a paper (either a talk or a poster) in the main conference and wish to participate in the Doctoral Forum should present work that is separate from the work included in the SDM 2016 Proceedings.