Procedures and Roles

The Role of Selection Committee Chair

  1. The chair sets the rules, reminds members of their obligations, takes the votes. The chair is also a voting member of the selection committee.
  2. The chair ensures that confidentiality is maintained in order to facilitate a free and open discussion.
  3. The voting procedures are left to the discretion of the chair.
  4.  The chair ensures that conflict of interest rules are followed [see].
  5. The chair is responsible for providing a short report on the committee's deliberations that justifies the recommendation, as well as the citation and any other information needed for the certificate. This task can be delegated by the chair to another member, but the chair retains responsibility.  These will be forwarded to the officers approving the recommendation.
  6. The chair keeps the SIAM office informed.

Role of Committee Members

  1. Committee members should be willing to pro-actively solicit nominations from other members of the scientific community.
  2. Committee members should share all information with the other committee members. It is the responsibility of each committee member to inform chair of any potential conflict of interest.
  3. Each committee member is responsible for providing a fair and informed vote. This requires the member to read the nomination packages assigned by the chair.

Role of SIAM Office

The SIAM HQ is generally responsible for administration procedures related to prizes. It will

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