Communicating With Other Chapters
Keep in touch with your fellow chapter officers and faculty advisors! Use the SIAM Student Chapter electronic mailing lists, the new Student Blog, or the Student Chapters Facebook Group.
Electronic Mailing Lists
To send a message to the current officers of all SIAM chapters: [email protected]
Information and archives: http://lists.siam.org/mailman/listinfo/siam_chapter_reps
To send a message to the current faculty advisors of all SIAM chapters: [email protected]
Information and archives: http://lists.siam.org/mailman/listinfo/siam_chapter_advisors
Student Chapters Facebook Group
To join the Student Chapters Facebook Group, click the following link and log into Facebook. Once you are directed to the Group's page, you can join by clicking on “Request to Join”: http://www.facebook.com/SIAMconnect#!/groups/136717186365809/
With student chapters representing 100 universities in over a dozen countries worldwide, SIAM has an active and vibrant student community. In keeping with the goals of SIAM, SIAM chapters are involved in various activities to raise visibility for applied mathematics and computational science. From outreach events at local schools, professional development activities and career fairs, special lectures, workshops and conferences, to Pi Day events and math movie nights, SIAM chapters have come up with creative ways to celebrate and promote math through the years. Now they have one more outlet for their creative endeavors. SIAM has a Student Blog where students can update other chapters on events and activities they are organizing, and share and seek ideas on fundraising and public outreach, in addition to discussing general views and perspectives on math education and research. To contribute to the blog, send your idea for a post item to [email protected].
Get Social with SIAM! [PDF, 64KB]
Tips on how to follow and promote your chapter via social media.
Recent Chapter Highlights
2012-2013 Chapter Highlights [PDF, 10MB]
2011-2012 Chapter Activities [PDF, 11MB]
The SIAM Student Conference White Papers [PDF, 780KB]
Chapter Presentations at SIAM AN13 Meeting with Leadership
MIT Chapter Activities [PDF, 3MB]
Heidelberg University Chapter Activities [PDF, 3MB]
Cardiff University Chapter Activities [PDF, 3MB]
University of Florida SIAM Gators Chapter Activities [PDF, 700KB]
Northwestern University Chapter Activities [PDF, 1MB]
Send updates on chapter information to Nancy Snell at [email protected].