Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems
Hotel Registration
Friday, April 28, 1995
Advance Conference Registration
Friday, May 5, 1995
The themes for the conference are:
There are several ways to use this program. A program-at-a glance has been provided for each day of the conference. Click on any of the days listed below to get a complete listing of all sessions offered that day.
A Program Overview that classifies sessions by subject area is also provided.
Individual speakers can be located through the Speaker Index where all conference speakers are listed alphabetically by last name.
Other events taking place during the conference are the SIAM Welcoming Reception, the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems Business Meeting, and the Poster Session and Reception.
Information regarding conference registration, hotel registration, transportation, and hotel roommate-sharing is provided.
SIAM thanks the National Science Foundation and the office of Naval Research for their support in conducting this conference.
Comments regarding the organization, structure, and design of this program, or suggestions for future improvements are encouraged. They should be sent to [email protected].