Monday, May 19

4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Chair: Brian F. Farrell, Harvard University Superior A - Level C

Fluids I

4:00 Integrability and Non-Integrability in Bubble Dynamics
Alexander R. Galper, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
4:20 Asymptotic Focusing of Particles in a Wake Flow
T. J. Burns, R. W. Davis and E. F. Moore, National Institute of Standards and Technology
4:40 Perturbation Growth in Non-Autonomous Geophysical Flows
Petros J. Ioannou, Harvard University
5:00 Non-Normal Dynamics of Eddy Variance and Transport Properties in Geophysical Flows
Brian F. Farrell, Harvard University
5:20 Experimental Evidence for Chaotic Scattering in a Fluid Wake
John C. Sommerer, Hwar-Ching Ku, and Harold E. Gilreath, Johns Hopkins University
5:40 Mixing and Transport Rates for a Marangoni-driven Chaotic Flow
Gerard Alba-Soler and August Palanques-Mestre, University of Barcelona, Spain

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LMH, 1/07/97
TMP, 4/3/97