Tuesday, May 20

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Chair: Tomas Gedeon, Montana State University Superior B - Level C

Neural and Excitable Systems I

10:00 Phase Synchronization in an Array of Coupled Integrate-and-Fire Neurons with Dendritic Structure
Paul C. Bressloff and P. N. Roper, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
10:20 Desynchronization of Neural Assemblies
Stephen Coombes, Loughborough University, United Kingdom; and Gabriel J. Lord, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
10:40 A Bonhoeffer van der Pol Model for Action Potential in Excitability Changing Media
A. Rabinovich, Ben-Gurion University, Israel; I. Aviram, Beer-Sheva, Israel; N. Gulko, Ben-Gurion University, Israel; and E. Ovsyscher, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
11:00 Post-Fertilization Traveling Waves on Eggs
Gilberto Flores and Antonmaria Minzoni, National University of Mexico, Mexico; Konstantin Mischaikow, Georgia Institute of Technology; and Victor Moll, Tulane University
11:20 Additive Neural Networks and Periodic Patterns
Tomas Gedeon, Montana State University
11:40 Computational and Experimental Exploration of a Cortical Neuronal Network as a Dynamical System
David J Pinto, Joshua C. Brumberg, Daniel J. Simons, and G. Bard Ermentrout, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh

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LMH, 1/07/97
TMP, 4/4/97