Saturday, September 23

Computational Biology

3:15 PM-5:15 PM
Mt. Vernon
Chair: Willy J. F. Govaerts, University of Gent, Belgium

3:15-3:30 Using Distance Methods to Reconstruct Large Evolutionary Trees
Kelly Ann Smith, University of Pennsylvania, USA
3:35-3:50 Quasi-Periods in Biological Sequences
Honghui Wan, National Institutes of Health, USA
3:55-4:10 Numerical Bifurcation Study of Nerve Cells
Willy J. F. Govaerts, University of Gent, Belgium
4:15-4:30 Cancelled Linearisation of Structured Sets
Karl Javorszky, Wien, Austria
4:35-4:50 An Algorithm For Constrained Local Alignment
Honghui Wan, National Institutes of Health, USA

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