Student Scholarships
Student Scholarships to attend the Joint SIAM/RSME-SCM-SEMA Meeting - Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations (DSPDEs'10)
There are some scholarships available for predoc students, and exceptionally for postdoctoral students. These include accomodation in a shared room, reserved by the conference organization, and the cost of the conference registration. There are also a limited number of scholarships which additionally include financial support for local costs. Decisions on scholarships will be notified as soon as possible, and by February 19, 2010, at the latest.
An application for a student scholarship must include:
- A letter from the student describing his/her academic standing and interests, his/her expected graduation date and degree, advisor's name, and, if available, a URL for a working web page, and motivations to attend the meeting.
- A one-page vita that includes the student's research interests, projects, and papers published.
- A detailed letter from the student's faculty advisor indicating why the student should receive a travel award and explaining any special circumstances.
- If applicable, the title(s) of the presentation(s) to be given by the student at the meeting.
Applications should be sent to the DSPDEs’10 Technical Secretariat (Attention: DSPDEs’10 Student Scholarship) by e-mail to [email protected] or by fax to + 34 93 205 8347.
Complete applications must be received no later than January 29th. 2010.
Decisions on scholarships will be notified by February 19th. 2010.
Upon assignment of the scholarship, the student will be automatically registered to the meeting. A notification of registration will be sent to him/her by the Secretariat.