April Is Math Awareness Month: �Mathematics and Sports"

March 1, 2010

The Winter Olympics in Vancouver ended in February, but not before offering a rich array of problems for mathematical scientists. From the intuitive calculations performed by freestyle skiers to the design of the aerodynamic bodysuits worn by Canadian speed-skaters, not to mention pressing issues related to global climate change, mathematical problems abounded. The Joint Policy Board for Mathematics made a timely choice with "Mathematics and Sports" as the theme of Mathematics Awareness Month 2010.

As usual, preparation for the month, celebrated each year in April, began well in advance. This year's materials include four posters---featuring, along with the basketball version shown here, golf, soccer, and baseball. Posted at the website for the month (www.mathaware.org) is a wide selection of essays, videos, and links to other resources.

The member societies of JPBM---the American Mathematical Society, the American Statistical Association, the Mathematical Association of America, and SIAM---rotate responsibility for preparing materials for Math Awareness Month. A heads-up to the SIAM community: It's SIAM's turn in 2011, and an organizing committee, chaired by Joceline Lega, is already at work. The theme is the mathematics of complex systems; if you get a request for an article, or images, or other information, please contribute to this worthy cause!

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