2003 SIAM Annual Meeting
Prizes and Awards Luncheon
Prizes, awards, and special lectures are shown in alphabetical order, with CAIMS*SCMAI awards first.
The CAIMS*SCMAI Arthur Beaumont Distinguished Service Award
The Arthur Beaumont Distinguished Service Award was initiated first and foremost as a means to honour Arthur for his years of unselfish service to CAIMS*SCMAI. Arthur was a founding member of CAIMS*SCMAI and acted as its Secretary/Treasurer for eight years. It is no exaggeration to say that the Society would not exist today but for Arthur's efforts. Since its establishment, this award has honoured those members of CAIMS*SCMAI who have, through their efforts on behalf of the Society, come closest to exhibiting those traits which Arthur embodied.
2003 Winner:
Anna Lawniczak
University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario
Citation: The Arthur Beaumont Distinguished Service Award is presented to Dr. Anna Lawniczak of the University of Guelph in recognition of her outstanding service to the Society over the years 1996 to 2003, including four years as President. Dr. Lawniczak's legacy to the Society includes a new constitution, incorporation under the Canada Corporations Act, a change of name of the Society reflecting greater involvement in industrial mathematics, new liaisons with other national and international applied mathematics societies and the first CAIMS-SIAM joint Annual Meeting.
Previous Winners:
Arthur Beaumont (1987), University of Waterloo
Fred Wan (1991), University of British Columbia
Bryant Moodie (1996), University of Alberta
Stan Dennis (1998), University of Western Ontario
Cecil Graham (2001), Simon Fraser University
Paul Sullivan (2002), University of Western Ontario
The winner receives a commemorative plaque.
The CAIMS*SCMAI Best Poster Award for Students
The Student Poster Session has been an important event at the CAIMS*SCMAI Annual Meeting for many years. To promote this event and provide recognition for the participants, a prize for the best poster was established. Posters are judged on content and presentation, including the author's ability to explain his/her poster to a panel of judges.
2003 Winner: TBA
Previous Winners:
Boualem Khouider, Universite de Montreal
Joseph Khoury, University of Ottawa
Ricardo Carretero-Gonzalez, Simon Fraser University
Honorable Mentions:
Gustavo Carrero, University of Alberta
Chee Tiong Ong, University of Alberta
Tatiana Marquez-Lago, Simon Fraser University
Margaret Liang, University of British Columbia
Jiuzhou Song, University of Calgary
The Maplesoft Company at Waterloo, Canada, is the sponsor of the CAIMS*SCMAI Best Poster Award for Students. The winner of this award will receive a full version of the Maple symbolic computation package. The runners-up will receive book prizes.
The CAIMS*SCMAI Doctoral Dissertation Award
This annual award was established by CAIMS*SCMAI to recognize and to publicize an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in Applied Mathematics defended at a Canadian University during the calendar year prior to the year of the award.
2003 Winners:
C. Connell McCluskey
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Supervisor: James Muldowney
Thesis Title: "Global Stability in Epidemiological Models"
Title of Lecture: "Global Stability in Epidemiological Models"
Petter Wiberg
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Supervisor: Kenneth Jackson
Thesis Title: "Computation of Value-at-Risk: The Fast Convolution Method,
Dimension Reduction and Perturbation Theory"
Title of Lecture: "Stability in Value-at-Risk Simulation"
Previous winners:
Michael Foreman (1984), University of British Columbia
Paul Muir (1984), University of Toronto
Wendy Seward (1985), University of Toronto
Zi-Cai Li (1986), University of Toronto
Deming Zhuang (1988), Dalhousie University
Peter J. S. Young (1989), University of Western Ontario
Rodolfo Bermejo (1990), University of British Columbia
Y. Qin (1992), University of Windsor
Kenzu Abdella (1993), University of Western Ontario
Yuanping He (1993), University of Alberta
Qiang Lan (1994), Simon Fraser University
Honglin Ye (1995), University of Western Ontario
Steven J. Ruuth (1996), University of British Columbia
John M. Stockie (1997), University of British Columbia
Troy Day (1998), Queen's University
Jon-Paul Voroney (1998), University of Guelph
Stephen J. Gustafson (1999), University of Toronto
David Iron (2001), University of British Columbia
The award consists of a trophy, a prize of $1000, and a free one-year membership in the Society.
The CAIMS*SCMAI Research Prize
This award was established in 2002 to recognize innovative and exceptional research contributions in an emerging area of applied or industrial mathematics.
This is the first time the award is being given.
2003 Winner:
Jianhong Wu
York University
Toronto, Ontario
Citation: With four major monographs and over 140 published articles, Dr. Jianhong Wu has made very significant contributions in the area of infinite dimensional differential equations with applications to neural networks and population dynamics. He has been recognized as an outstanding researcher and an excellent leader not only in this area but also in applied mathematics. His book, published by Springer-Verlag in 1996, has been a classical reference and a masterpiece in the area of partial functional differential equations and his joint book with Tibor Krisztin and Hans-Otto Walther, published by the American Mathematical Society as a special volume of the Fields Institute Monograph series, is regarded as a major breakthrough in the description of the global attractor defined by semiflows generated by delay differential systems with monotone feedback. His work on equivalent degree and global Hopf bifurcation theory and the joint book with W. Krawcewicz, published by John Wiley as a special volume of the Canadian Mathematical Society monograph series, provide powerful analytic and topological tools to describe spatial-temporal patterns in physical systems. His recent work, partially represented by a monograph published by de-Gruyter, on neural networks, touches on the heart of the mathematical theory of cognitive science with applications to associative memory, pattern recognition and data analysis. Based on the excellence of his research, he has been awarded a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Applied Mathematics, the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship and the Paul Erdös Fellowship.
Title of Lecture: "Adaptive Delay in Neural Nets: Models and Applications to Pattern Recognition in High Dimensional Spaces"
The award consists of a cash prize of $1000 and a commemorative plaque.
I. E. Block Community Lecture
The I. E. Block Community Lecture was instituted in 1995 to encourage public appreciation of the excitement and vitality of applied mathematics by reaching out as broadly as possible to students, teachers, and members of the local community, as well as to SIAM members, researchers, and practitioners in fields related to applied and computational mathematics. The lecture is open to the public and is named in honor of I. Edward Block, a founder of SIAM who served as its Managing Director for nearly 20 years.
2003 Lecturer:
William Cook
Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Lecture: "The Traveling Salesman Problem and Optimization on a Grand Scale"
William Cook is the Russ and Sammie Chandler Chair in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. He received his Ph.D. in Combinatorics and Optimization from the University of Waterloo in 1983. He spent two years as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Bonn, and he has held positions at Cornell, Columbia, Bellcore, Rice, and Princeton. Cook is the Editor-in-Chief of Mathematical Programming, Series B, and a member of the Editorial Boards of Mathematics of Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, and Mathematical Programming, Series A. Together with David Applegate, Robert Bixby, and Vasek Chvatal, he was awarded the 2000 Beale-Orchard-Hayes Prize by the Mathematical Programming Society for joint work on the traveling salesman problem (TSP). At an earlier stage, their TSP work was named one of the Top 50 Science Stories in 1992 by Discover Magazine.
Previous Lecturers:
Phillip A. Griffiths (1995) *
Charles Van Loan (1995) *
William F. Ballhaus, Jr. (1996) *
Brian Rosen (1996) *
Joseph B. Keller (1997)
Robert C. Merton (1998)
Richard A. Tapia (1999)
James A. Sethian (2000)
Steven H. Strogatz (2001)
Christoph Bregler (2002)
* The I. E. Block Lecture (Phillip A. Griffiths and William F. Ballhaus, Jr.) was merged with the Community Lecture (Charles Van Loan and Brian Rose) in 1997.
The I. E. Block Community Lecturer receives a $500 honorarium and an engraved clock.
The Ralph E. Kleinman Prize
Established in 1998, the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize is awarded to one individual for outstanding research, or other contributions, that bridge the gap between mathematics and applications. Work that uses high-level mathematics and/or invents new mathematical tools to solve applied problems from engineering, science, and technology is particularly appropriate. The value of the work will be measured by the quality of the mathematics and its impact on the application. Each prize may be given either for a single notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements.
The prize is funded by contributions from family and friends of the late Ralph Kleinman.
2003 Winner:
Graeme W. Milton
University of Utah
Citation: For his many deep contributions to the modeling and analysis of composite materials. His accomplishments include new examples of composites with exactly computable properties; new methods for bounding effective moduli; and new links between the analysis of composites, the calculus of variations, and partial differential equations. His scientific vision - mathematically deep yet physically very concrete - has revolutionized the subject.
Graeme W. Milton received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics from the University of Sydney (Australia) in 1980 and 1982 respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell University in 1985 under the supervision of Michael E. Fisher. He subsequently went to Caltech's Physics Department as a Weingart Fellow, from 1984 to 1986, continuing on to the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, holding the positions of Associate, Assistant, and full Professor. From 1994-1999, he has been a full Professor of Mathematics at the University of Utah, was promoted to Distinguished Professor in 1999, and is currently Chairman of that department. He has been awarded Sloan and Packard Fellowships, was one of the organizers of the special year on mathematics and material sciences at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications (Minnesota, 1995), presented a sectional lecture at the International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Kyoto, 1996), was an invited lecturer at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Berlin, 1998), and is on the editorial board of the Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. This year, he received a D.Sc. from Sydney University based on his book, "The Theory of Composites," published in 2002 by Cambridge University Press. He has over 70 papers on the theory of composite materials.
There is no lecture associated with this prize.
Previous winners:
Robert V. Kohn (1999)
William W. Symes (2001)
The winner of the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize receives $5,000 and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.
The AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture
Established in 2002, this lecture is to be given annually at the SIAM Annual Meeting. The lecture is intended to highlight significant contributions of women to applied or computational mathematics.
2003 Winner:
Linda R. Petzold
University of California, Santa Barbara
Citation: In recognition of her fundamental contributions in the 1980s to the then-emerging field of differential algebraic equations. She has had a significant impact in numerous areas of applied mathematics and computational science, resulting in two books and over 100 publications. Her record in service is also exceptional, including extensive service to SIAM, most notably in overseeing its transition to electronic publication of its journals. She is an inspiration to the entire mathematics community, especially to the women's mathematics community.
Title of Lecture: "Towards the Multiscale Simulation of Biochemical Networks"
Linda R. Petzold is currently a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, and Computer Science, and Director of the Computational Science and Engineering Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1978 from the University of Illinois. From 1978 to 1985, she was a member of the Applied Mathematics Group at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, and, from 1985 to 1991, she was Group Leader of the Numerical Mathematics Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. From 1991 to 1997, she was a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Petzold was awarded the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software in 1991, and the Dahlquist Prize in 1999 for numerical solution of differential equations. She served a SIAM Vice President at Large in 2000 and 2001, as SIAM Vice President for Publications from 1993 to 1998, and as Editor-in-Chief of the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing from 1989 to 1993. Her research interests include numerical ordinary differential equations, differential-algebraic equations, and partial differential equations, sensitivity analysis, model reduction, parameter estimation and scientific computing and problem solving environments.
The AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer receives a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate signed by the Presidents of AWM and SIAM.
Outstanding Paper Prizes
The prizes, first awarded in 1999, are given for outstanding papers published in SIAM journals during the four years prior to the year of the award. Papers are selected for their originality: they bring a fresh look at an existing field or open up new areas of applied mathematics.
2003 Winners:
"A Pseudorandom Generator from any One-Way Function," SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 18(4), 1999
Johan Hastad
Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden
Russell Impagliazzo
University of California, San Diego
Leonid A. Levin
Boston University
Michael Luby
Digital Fountain, Inc. Fremont, California
"Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control via Semidefinite Programming, " SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 40(3), 2001
David D. Yao
Columbia University
Shuzong Zhang
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xun Yu Zhou
Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Iterative Multigrid Regularization Techniques for Image Matching," SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 23(4), 2001
Stefan Henn
University of Duesseldorf
Kristian Witsch
University of Duesseldorf
W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize
The W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize in Mathematics was established by SIAM in 1993 to recognize outstanding work in, or other contributions to, the broadly defined areas of differential equations and control theory. The prize, given annually, may be awarded either for a single notable achievement or a collection of such achievements. The prize fund was endowed by the late Mrs. Idalia Reid to honor her husband.
2003 Winner:
Harold J. Kushner
Brown University
Citation: The W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize is awarded to Harold J. Kushner for his fundamental and lasting contributions to stochastic control theory.
In the last 45 years, Harold Kushner has worked on nearly all of stochastic control. His nine books and over two hundred papers contain the seminal works for a substantial part of the field. These include stochastic stability (Markov and non-Markov), nonlinear filtering, distributed and delay systems, stochastic variational methods, stochastic approximation, efficient numerical methods for Markov chain models, the numerical methods of choice for general continuous time systems, singular stochastic control, stochastic networks, heavy traffic analysis of queueing/communications systems, wide band noise driven systems, problems with small noise effects, approximation methods, nearly optimal control and filtering for non-Markovian systems, and algorithms for function minimization. He received the IEEE Field Award in Control, is a past chairman of the Applied Mathematics Department and Director of the Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems, both at Brown University. Professor Kushner earned his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from CCNY, his M.S. from the University of Wisconsin, and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.
Title of Lecture: "Modeling, Control, and Numerical Methods for Jump-Diffusions with Controlled Jumps"
Previous winners:
Wendell H. Fleming (1994)
Roger W. Brockett (1996)
Jacques-Louis Lions (1998)
Constantine M. Dafermos (2000)
Eduardo D. Sontag (2001)
H. Thomas Banks (2002)
Please note: The Reid Prize was awarded every other year until 2000.
The W. T. and Idalia Reid Lecturer receives $10,000 in cash and an engraved medal.
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering
The prize, given for the first time this year, is awarded by SIAM and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in the area of computational science in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for the solution of science and engineering problems.
2003 Winners:
John B. Bell
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Phillip Colella
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For the development of mathematical methods and computer science tools for science and engineering, including adaptive mesh refinement software, and for their application to the solution of a wide variety of physical problems in fluid dynamics, shock wave theory, combustion and astrophysics.
John Bell received his B.S. (1975) degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his M.S. (1977) and Ph.D. (1979) degrees from Cornell University, all in mathematics. He is currently a Senior Staff Scientist and Group Leader for the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Prior to joining LBNL, Dr. Bell held positions at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Exxon Production Research and the Naval Surface Weapons Center. His research focuses on the development and analysis of numerical methods for partial differential equations arising in science and engineering. He has made contributions in the areas of finite difference methods, numerical methods for low-Mach number flows, adaptive mesh refinement, interface tracking and parallel computing. Dr. Bell has also worked on the application of these numerical methods to problems from a broad range of fields including combustion, shock physics, seismology, flow in porous media and astrophysics.
Phillip Colella received his A.B. (1974), M.A. (1976) and Ph.D. (1979) degrees from the University of California at Berkeley, all in applied mathematics. He has been a staff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and from 1989 to 1995, was a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Colella is currently a Senior Staff Scientist and Group Leader for the Applied Numerical Algorithms Group in the Computational Research Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His research has been in the area of numerical methods for partial differential equations, with contributions in high-resolution finite-difference methods, adaptive mesh refinement, volume-of-fluid methods for irregular boundaries, and programming language and library design for parallel scientific computing. Dr. Colella has also applied numerical methods in a variety of scientific and engineering fields, including shock dynamics, low-Mach number and incompressible flows, combustion, porous media flows, and astrophysical flows.
The winners of the SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering receive $2,500 in cash and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.
SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling
The SIAM Award in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), established in 1988, is awarded to two of the teams judged as "Outstanding" in the annual MCM. One winning team of students is chosen for each of the problems posed in the MCM.
2003 Winners:
Problem A, The Continuous Problem, "The Stunt Person"
California Institute of Technology
Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics
Pasadena, CA
Students: Jeffrey Edlund, Justin Kao, Chad Kishimoto
Faculty Advisor: Professor Darryl Yong
Problem B, The Discrete Problem, "Gamma Knife Treatment Planning"
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Applied Mathematics
Boulder, CO
Students: Darin Gillis, David Lindstone, Aaron Windfield
Faculty Advisor: Professor Anne Dougherty
Previous Winners:
Harvard University (1988)
California Institute of Technology and Harvey Mudd College (1989)
California Polytechnic State University and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and University of Western Ontario, Canada
Oklahoma State University and Pomona College (1992)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and University of California, Berkeley
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics and University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill (1994)
Iowa State University and University of Alaska, Fairbanks (1995)
Pomona College and St. Bonaventure University (1996)
Washington University (St. Louis) and University of Toronto (1997)
Macalester College and Harvey Mudd College (1998)
Harvey Mudd College and Earlham College (1999)
U.S. Military Academy and Wake Forest University (2000)
U.S. Military Academy and Wake Forest University (2001)
University of Washington and Duke University (2002)
Winning students each receive $800 (prize and travel), complimentary membership in SIAM for three years, and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate for the students' schools.
SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession
The prize, established in 1985, is in the form of a certificate to be awarded at an appropriate meeting of SIAM. It is awarded to an applied mathematician who has made distinguished contributions to the furtherance of applied mathematics on the national level.
2003 Winner:
Gilbert Strang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For his many contributions to applied mathematics and for his service to the mathematics community. It is all but impossible to work in applied and computational mathematics without being influenced by Gil's mathematical contributions. Many of his papers are classics. His textbooks reflect his love for the discipline and are, in turn, much loved by faculty and students alike for their clear, informal presentation of complex ideas. Over many years, he has generously put his talents and energy to work for the SIAM community: as a member of the editorial boards of the SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, SIAM Review, and SIAM News; as a member of the SIAM Council and the SIAM Board of Trustees; as Vice President for Education; as Chair of the SIAM Committee on Science Policy; and as SIAM President. He has lent prestige to the national and international mathematics communities, as Chair of the NSF Advisory Panel on Mathematics and the U.S. National Committee on Mathematics, and as a member of the ICIAM Board. As Chair of the SIAM Committee on Science Policy, he testified before the U.S. Congress on the benefits of research in the mathematical sciences. There, as on so many occasions, Gil abandoned the usual formal presentation in favor of direct personal communication. His warmth, charm, and wit have made him an extraordinarily effective spokesperson and a great leader. We thank him for his many contributions to the mathematics community and for making SIAM a warmer, more open, and more effective society.
Gilbert Strang was an undergraduate at MIT and a Rhodes Scholar at Balliol College, Oxford. His doctorate was from UCLA and since then he has taught at MIT. He has been a Sloan Fellow and a Fairchild Scholar and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is a Professor of Mathematics at MIT and an Honorary Fellow of Balliol College. Professor Strang has published a monograph with George Fix, "An Analysis of the Finite Element Method", and six textbooks: Introduction to Linear Algebra (1993, 1998, 2003) Linear Algebra and Its Applications (1976, 1980, 1988) Introduction to Applied Mathematics (1986) Calculus (1991) Wavelets and Filter Banks, with Truong Nguyen (1996) Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS, with Kai Borre (1997)
Professor Strang served as President of SIAM during 1999 and 2000. He is Chair of the US National Committee on Mathematics for 2003-2004. His home page is http://math.mit.edu/~gs and his courses are on ocw.mit.edu.
Previous winners:
I. Edward Block (1986)
Gene H. Golub (1988)
Avner Friedman (1997)
Margaret H. Wright (2000)
The winner of the SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession receives a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.
SIAM Student Paper Prizes
The SIAM Student Paper Prizes are awarded every year to the student author(s) of the most outstanding paper(s) submitted to the SIAM Student Paper Competition. This award is based solely on the merit and content of the student's contribution to the submitted paper. The purpose of the Student Paper Prizes is to recognize outstanding scholarship by students in applied mathematics or computing.
2003 Winners:
Chek Beng Chua
Cornell University
Title: "A Primal-Dual Second-Order Cone Approximations Algorithm for Symmetric
Cone Programming"
Michiel Hochstenbach
Utrecht University
Title: "Harmonic and Refined Extraction Methods for the Singular Value
Problem with Applications in Least Squares Problems"
Melvin Leok
California Institute of Technology
Title: "Foundations of Computational Geometric Mechanics"
Honorable Mention:
Anil Hirani
California Institute of Technology
Title: "Discrete Exterior Calculus: Theory and Applications"
Ruben Juanes
University of California, Berkeley
Title: "Stabilized Numerical Solutions of Three-Phase Porous Media Flow
Using a Multiscale Finite Element Formulation"
SIAM Student Paper Prize winners receive $1,500 (prize and travel) and a hand-calligraphed certificate.
The John von Neumann Lecture
Established in 1959, this lecture is in the form of an honorarium for an invited lecture. The lecturer will survey and evaluate a significant and useful contribution to mathematics and its applications. It may be awarded to a mathematician or to a scientist in another field, but, in either case, the recipient should be one who has made distinguished contributions to pure and/or applied mathematics.
2003 Lecturer:
Heinz-Otto Kreiss
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: In recognition of his pioneering research in the accuracy and stability of numerical approximations of time-dependent partial differential equations. His research has had a seminal impact in advancing our understanding of hyperbolic equations, turbulence and other multiscale systems.
Title of Lecture: "Parabolic Problems Which Are Ill-Posed in the Zero Dissipation Limit"
Heinz-Otto Kreiss earned his Diploma in Mathematics from the University of Hamburg in West Germany, his Licentiat in Mathematics, Doctorate of Technology, and Docent from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. For the last five years, his main interest has been the numerical solution of time dependent partial differential equations. A new stability theory for difference approximations of initial boundary value problems has been developed. Also, precise estimates of the smallest scale for solutions of the Navier Stokes equations have been given. Together with students, various practical problems have been solved (free surface flows, non-Newtonian fluids, oceanographic problems). Professor Kreiss is a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He received the National Academy of Science Award in 2002, NASA's Public Service Medal in 1993, the Celsius Medal in 1985, and was chosen to give the DiPerna Lecture in 1999 and the Forsythe Lecture in 1985. He serves on the editorial boards of several publications.
Previous Lecturers:
1960 Lars Valerian Ahlfors
1961 Mark Kac
1962 Jean Leray
1963 Stanislaw M. Ulam
1964 Solomon Lefschetz
1965 Freeman J. Dyson
1966 Eugene P. Wigner
1967 Chia-Chiao Lin
1968 Peter D. Lax
1969 George F. Carrier
1970 James H. Wilkinson
1971 Paul A. Samuelson
1974 Jule Charney
1975 Sir James Lighthill
1976 Rene Thom
1977 Kenneth J. Arrow
1978 Peter Henrici
1979 Kurt O. Friedrichs
1980 Keith Stewartson
1981 Garrett Birkhoff
1982 David Slepian
1983 Joseph B. Keller
1984 Jurgen Moser
1985 John W. Tukey
1986 Jacques-Louis Lions
1987 Richard M. Karp
1988 Germund G. Dahlquist
1989 Stephen Smale
1990 Andrew J. Majda
1992 R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
1994 Martin D. Kruskal
1996 Carl de Boor
1997 William (Velvel) Kahan
1998 Olga Ladyzhenskaya
1999 Charles S. Peskin
2000 Persi W. Diaconis
2001 David L. Donoho
2002 Eric S. Lander
The John von Neumann Lecturer receives an honorarium of $2,500 and a framed, hand-calligraphed certificate.