





in conjunction with
The 3rd International Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra
The 9th Shanghai Summer School on Analysis and
Numerics in Modern Sciences

We invite graduate students (working toward a M.Sc. or PhD or equivalent) from all countries to apply to the 2013 SIAM Gene Golub Summer School. In particular, we welcome applications from students whose main research interests are in numerical linear algebra and in other fields that require results and methods from numerical linear algebra. Attendance will be restricted to up to 50 well-qualified participants, who will be selected by the Steering Committee of the ISSNLA based on the documents sent by the students, and the letter(s) of recommendation, as detailed below.

It is part of the summer school's mission statement to increase diversity in computational sciences. We therefore particularly encourage female students and students from under-represented minorities to apply.

The deadline for applications is 11:59pm (Hawaii time), February 1, 2013. The letters of reference need to reach us on February 6, 2013 at the latest.

In order to apply for the Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2013, please send the following documents as a single PDF file to [email protected]

In addition, we ask for one or two letters of recommendation. These should be emailed directly (again to [email protected]) by the letter writer(s), and should not be seen by the candidate. One of the letters should comment on your need for financial support (for example, whether or not your home university can provide such support).

All the documents should be in English, and in pdf format only.

The generous sponsorship from SIAM and several other institutions (see the list of sponsors) will allow us to (at least partially) reimburse travel and/or housing costs for most of the participants. There will be no participation fee.

While it is our goal to reimburse expenses for as many participants as we can, we cannot make guarantees at this point. Candidates are strongly encouraged to inquire whether travel support is available with their advisor, and indicate so in their application. Funding decisions will be communicated in the notification letters of the successful candidates.

In your application, you should therefore indicate your need for financial support according to the following categories:

The amount of support requested will have no influence on the selection process, participants will be chosen^M solely on the basis of academic merit.

Application closing date: 11:59pm (Hawaii Time), February 1, 2013

Contact email address: wggao at fudan.edu.cn and bai at cs.ucdavis.edu