Monday Afternoon, October 23

Environmental Modeling and Computation

A wide variety of modeling approaches and computational methods are being applied to important environmental problems. This minisymposium will focus on two particular applications, community ecotoxicology and landscape-scale modeling, with wide-ranging potential uses in ecological assessment and ecosystem management. Both applications make use of individual-based modeling approaches. The ecotoxicology models utilize partial differential equations for population structure and the landscape-scale models use spatially-explicit simulation of individual organisms. For each application, one speaker will describe the underlying modeling problems, and a second speaker will discuss the related computation issues, with emphasis on parallelization methods.

Organizer: Louis J. Gross
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

4:30 Risk Assessment for Chemically Stressed Populations and Communities
Thomas Hallam, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

5:00 Parallel Computation in Structured Population and Community Models
Siddharthan Ramachandramurthi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

5:30 Modeling the Everglades: Integrating Alternative Methodologies across Scales
Louis J. Gross, Organizer; Donald A. DeAngelis and D. Martin Fleming, National Biological Service

6:00 Parallel Computation for Individual-based Ecological Models at Landscape-scale
Hang-Kwang Luh, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
