Tuesday Afternoon, October 24

Parallel Algorithms in Large-Scale Applications (Invited Minisymposium)

This mini-symposium deals with the design and implementation of parallel algorithms in several science and engineering disciplines. The speakers will discuss the impact of such algorithms on large-scale applications in these fields, and their performance on various parallel machines. They will discuss applications in structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, and molecular dynamics.

Organizer: Ahmed Sameh
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

12:30 3D Flow Simulation with Parallel Computations
Tayfun Tezduyar, University of Minnesota

1:00 Dynamic Frictional/Contact Response and Sensitivity Analysis on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
Ahmed Noor, University of Virginia, NASA Langley Research Center

1:30 A Scalable Parallel Biomolecular Dynamics Program
Robert Skeel and Mark Nelson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

2:00 Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Solving Sparse Linear Systems
Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
