Monday Afternoon, October 23

Finite Element Methods in Mechanics (Part I of II, Invited Minisymposium)

The speakers in this minisymposium will present recent results in the application of finite element methods to beams, plates, shells and elasticity. The topics range from the design of finite element methods to solution techniques such as domain decomposition methods, least squares methods, mapping techniques and mutigrid methods.

Organizer: Susanne C. Brenner
University of South Carolina

2:00 Locking-free Finite Elements for Plates and Shells
Douglas N. Arnold, Pennsylvania State University

2:30 Preconditioning Discrete Approximations of the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Model
Douglas N. Arnold, Pennsylvania State University; Richard S. Falk, Rutgers University, New Brunswick; and Ragnar Winther, University of Oslo, Norway

3:00 An Optimal Preconditioner for Mixed Finite Element Problems with Penalty Term Arising in Solid Mechanics
Axel Klawonn, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Germany

3:30 An Effective Iterative Method for the Solution of Lame Equations for Almost Incompressible Media
Andrew Knyazev, University of Colorado, Denver

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
