Wednesday Morning, October 25

Issues and Methods in Computational Aeroacoustics

The recent and developing field of computational aeroacoustics (CAA) is a discipline in which the prediction of acoustics is obtained with the aid of computational algorithms. In most applications, both the source of the sound as well as its far-field propagation must be predicted. As computers have become more powerful and aerodynamic simulation codes more reliable, the trend is to use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code for the near-field solution. The far-field noise is then determined through the use of the CFD data and an analytical method. The two most useful analytical methods to date are the acoustic analogy and Kirchhoff methods. The speakers will present the current state of the art of these two methods, as well as more recent developments in far-field sonic boom prediction and the direct numerical simulation of shock-induced sound.

Organizer: Jay Casper
Old Dominion University

8:00 Acoustic Analogy in Computational Aeroacoustics
Fereidoun Farassat, NASA Langley Research Center

8:30 The Use of Kirchhoff's Method in Computational Aeroacoustics
Anastasios S. Lyrintzis, Purdue University

9:00 Sonic Boom Extrapolation by Method of Characteristics
Samson Cheung, NASA Ames Research Center

9:30 Issues in the Simulation of Shock-Induced Sound
Jay Casper, Organizer; Mark Carpenter, NASA Langley Research Center; Oktay Baysal and Dinesh Kaushik, Old Dominion University

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
