Wednesday Morning, October 25

Control and Computational Fluid Dynamics I (Part I of III)

This symposium will focus on current trends in theoretical and computational methods in flow control. In recent years, considerable attention has been given to the modeling, analysis and computation of optimal control problems and feedback synthesis for fluid flows. The speakers will present the recent development of the theory and applications of feedback control techniques to complex technological problems and real-time control systems. They will discuss time-dependent and stationary control problems, and present recent work on control problems arising from viscous laminar flows to turbulent flows, shape optimization, stabilization, numerical simulation and numerical optimization.

Organizers: Kazufumi Ito and S. S. Ravindran
North Carolina State University

8:00 Multiresolution Methods and Optimal Control of Turbulent Flows
Roger Temam, Indiana University, Bloomington

8:30 Optimal Control of Turbulent Flows: Martingale Approach
S. S. Sritharan, Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveilance Center and University of Colorado, Boulder

9:00 SQP Methods for the Control of Fluids
M. Heinkenschloss, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

9:30 The Sensitivity Equation Method for Optimal Design
Jeffrey Borggaard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
