Wednesday Afternoon, October 25

MS38 Mathematical Problems Related to Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics (Part II of III)

( For description, see Part I, MS22 )

Organizers: Roger Temam and Shouhong Wang
Indiana University, Bloomington

1:30 Geostrophic Asymptotics and the Nature of the General Circulation of Atmosphere
Shouhong Wang, Organizer

2:00 Cyclic Spectral Analysis of Fluctuations in A GCM Simulation
Jian-Ping Huang, University of Toronto, Canada

2:30 Strong Vortices and Weakly Nonlocal Solitary Waves in the Ocean and Atmosphere
John P. Boyd, University of Michigan

3:00 Hamiltonian Dynamics of Wave-Mean-Flow Interaction
Darryl D. Holm, Los Alamos National Laboratory

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