Monday Afternoon, October 23

Modeling and Analysis of Oceanographic Problems (Part I of II)

This minisymposium will focus on dynamical systems problems arising in oceanographic applications. Problems of stability and qualitative dynamics arise, for example, in thermohaline convection, in the study of ocean currents, and in analyzing transport and chaotic mixing in the ocean. The speakers will present modern techniques of functional analysis, bifurcation theory and topological dynamics that can be applied to these problems.

Organizer: Yuriko Renardy
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

2:00 Noise Induced Thermohaline Oscillations
William R. Young and Paula Cessi, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

2:30 Asymmetric Salt Finger Planforms
Raymond W. Schmitt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

3:00 Linear Stabilty Analysis of Salt Fingers with Surface Evaporation or Warming
Yuriko Renardy, Organizer

3:30 Nonlinear Dynamics of Geophysical Jets
Glenn R. Flierl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
