Wednesday Evening, October 25

Computational Aspects of Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials

(This session will run until 7:30)

Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions

Many problems of applied mathematics lead to approximations which eventually involve the computation of special functions. Such approximations can provide insight as well as computational benefits.

The speakers in this minisymposium will discuss several important issues in development and implementation of algorithms and software, including reliability, asymptotic behavior, computing orthogonal polynomials, and surface measures of ellipsoids.

Organizer: Martin E. Muldoon
York University, Canada

5:00 Numerical Verification of Exponential Asymptotics via a Chebyshev Polynomial Pseudospectral Algorithm in Multiple Precision: Radiation Coefficient of a Weakly Nonlocal Solitary Wave
John P. Boyd, University of Michigan

5:30 Hyperelliptic Integrals, the Surface Measure of Ellipsoids, and Response Surfaces
Charles F. Dunkl and Donald E. Ramirez, University of Virginia

6:00 Computing Orthogonal Polynomials of Sobolev Type
Walter Gautschi, Purdue University

6:30 Software Issues in the Computation of Special Functions
Daniel W. Lozier, National Institute of Standards and Technology

7:00 Large Parameter Evaluations of Some Classical Distribution Functions
Nico M. Temme, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, The Netherlands

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
