Thursday Afternoon, October 26

Complex Dynamics Arising in Biological Modeling

The purphose of this minisymposium is 2-fold, first, to highlight important and significant modeling that have made an impact on biological research, and second, to present some of the mathematical methods which arise from applications involving complicated dynamical structures. These methods include things such as optimal controls as well as non-linear techniques to uncover bifurcation structures and their related dynamics. Standard numerical procedures are sometimes inadequate to cope with the particular problems, and different approaches must be developed to address these issues.

Organizer: Denise E. Kirschner
Texas A&M University

12:30 Complicated Dynamics from a Simple Model of HIV Infection
Denise E. Kirschner, Organizer and Faustino Sanchez-Garduno, Oxford University, United Kingdom

1:00 Optimal Control in Parabolic Systems in Population Models
Suzanne Lenhart, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

1:30 A Malaria Resistance Model with Source Term for Susceptibles
Jeff Morgan, Texas A&M University

2:00 Gene-Free Replication: Mathematical Models of Prion Propagation and Disease
Thomas B. Kepler, North Carolina State University

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Speaker Index | Program Overview
