Monday Afternoon, October 23

Numerical Simulations of Compressible Flows (Part I of III)

The study of compressible flows has been and continues to be considerable interest to a wide range of researchers in disciplines encompassing engineering, the physical sciences, and the mathematical science. Numerical simulations are being used as an experimental tool to investigate fundamental phenonema in compressible flows.

High resolution shock capturing methods, combined with adaptive mesh refinement techniques, are among the most important developments in this field.

The speakers will present some of the latest developments in this important field. They will discuss high resolution shock capturing methods and various adaptive mesh refinements techniques, with applications to both unsteady and steay computution of gas dynamics, multifluid and reacting flows.

Organizers: Shi Jin, Georgia Institute of Technology and Jian-Guo Liu, Temple University

2:00 Numerical Spikes and Diffusion Waves in the Computations of Slowly Moving Shocks
Shi Jin and Jian-Guo Liu, Organizers

2:30 Pressure Evolution Equation to the Rescue of Conservation Gas Dynamics
Smadar Karni, New York University

3:00 An Adaptive Higher-Order Godunov Approach for Multifluid Flows
Jeffrey A. Greenough, John B. Bell, and Phillip Colella, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

3:30 The Travelling Wave Scheme for the Navier-Stokes Equations
Suzanne L. Weekes and Eduard Harabatian, University of Michigan

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