Monday Afternoon, October 23

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: Many Perspectives (Part I of II, Invited Minisymposium)

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization is a methodology for the design of complex, coupled engineering systems. MDO comprises such research areas as design-oriented analysis, mathematical modeling, problem decomposition, optimization and approximation, and specific disciplines such as aerodynamics and controls. Although its potential to reduce the life-cycle cost of complex systems and to improve the design process is recognized by the engineering community, the methodology has not been implemented widely, due to many difficulties, such as the integration of various disciplines, the large and difficult optimization problems, the fidelity of physical models or lack of satisfying models in the areas of cost and manufacturing. A closer attention of the applied mathematics community to MDO problems could contribute much to the development of realistic MDO tools.

The speakers will discuss a spectrum of MDO research areas: cost, optimization methods, MDO systems with large-scale simulations, structural optimization, aerodynamic and aero-elastic design, software engineering.

Organizer: Natalia M. Alexandrov
NASA Langley Research Center

4:30 Mathematics for Cost in MDO: Research Directions
Edwin B. Dean, NASA Langley Research Center

5:00 Multidisciplinary Optimization in an Environmental Decision Framework
John Ambrosiano, North Carolina Supercomputing Center

5:30 Newton's Method for Aerodynamic and Aero-elastic Analysis and Design
David P. Young, M.B. Bieterman, R.G. Melvin, W.P. Huffman, F.T. Johnson, and C.L. Hilmes, Boeing Computer Services

6:00 Software Engineering of Parallel Disciplinary and MDO Codes
Layne Watson, S. Burgee, V. Balabanov, A.A. Giunta, B. Grossman, W.H. Mason, and R. Narducci, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; and R.T. Haftka, University of Florida

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