A Message from the Meeting Organizers

Dear Colleagues:

Welcome to the 1998 SIAM Annual Meeting, to the University of Toronto, and to the great city of Toronto. We are pleased to have our program benefit from overlaps or contributions from the Ninth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, the Society for Mathematical Biology, the Association for Women in Mathematics, the Fields Institute, and especially the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (Société Canadienne de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles) and look forward to the interchanges facilitated by these concurrencies.

The face of applied mathematics is one that continually changes. New and exciting avenues appear all the time, enabling us as mathematicians to contribute to many fields and often in ways which affect everyone's lives. Much has been (and continues to be) added outside the traditional boundaries of applied mathematics. In this conference, we have tried to give prominence to some of these new facets of applied mathematics and trust that, as a result, even more of us will be enticed to study them.

We thank everyone involved in the conference: the invited speakers, the organizers and lecturers in minisymposia, those giving contributed talks, other participants, the members of the organizing committee, and especially the SIAM conference staff.

We sincerely hope that you will have a great time in Toronto and may your creative juices be highly stimulated by the dazzling variety of mathematics and its applications on display at the conference!

Max Gunzburger, Ken Jackson, Roy Nicolaides
Chairs of the Organizing Committee

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TJF Created: 3/19/98, MMD Updated: 3/27/98