Tuesday, July 14

Matroid Representation

Sponsored by the Canadian Mathematical Society

10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Room: Sidney Smith 1072

Matroid representation theory addresses the question, given a field and a set of points with collection dependent subsets, under what conditions can the points be embedded into a vector space over the field in a way that respects the prescribed dependencies. This question is interesting in its own right, and also has applications in combinatorial optimization. The speakers in this minisymposium will provide an overview of progress made in the field in the last five years.

Organizer: James F. Geelen
University of Waterloo, Canada
10:30 Generalized $\Delta$-Y Exchanges and $k$-Regular Matroids
James Oxley, Louisiana State University; Charles Semple, Victoria University, New Zealand; and Dirk Vertigan, Louisiana State University
11:00 Partial Fields
Dirk L. Vertigan, Louisiana State University
11:30 Totally-free Expansions of Matroids
James F. Geelen, Organizer; James G. Oxley and Dirk Vertigan, Louisiana State University; and Geoff P. Whittle, Victoria University, New Zealand
12:00 A Splitter Theorem for 4-Connected Matroids
James F. Geelen, Organizer and Geoff P. Whittle, Victoria University, New Zealand
Program Program Overview Program-at-a-Glance Program Updates Speaker Index Registration Hotel Transportation

MMD, 5/29/98