Thursday, May 27

Nonlinear Dynamics in Frontal Polymerization and Combustion

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room: Golden Cliff

We consider gaseous and solid fuel combustion as well as exothermic frontal polymerization processes, which are used, in particular, to synthesize materials. Since the structure of the material is determined by the propagation mode of the exothermic wave, various modes must be studied. Analytical, numerical and experimental approaches are employed in a variety of problems, including the dynamics of cellular and hot-spot flames and spinning polymerization modes. Since similar instabilities occur in combustion and polymerization, a joint discussion will be beneficial for researchers in both areas. Thus we want to bring together active researchers with interests in flames, combustion and polymerization waves as well as researchers with interests in nonlinear dynamics in general.

Organizer: Vladimir A. Volpert
Northwestern University

10:00-10:25 Four Stages of Motion Unique to the Dynamics of Cellular Flames
Michael Gorman, University of Houston
10:30-10:55 Interaction of Counterpropagating Hot Spots in Solid Fuel Combustion
Bernard J. Matkowsky and A. Bayliss, Northwestern University
11:00-11:25 Mathematical Modeling of Frontal Polymerization
Vladimir A. Volpert, Organizer
11:30-11:55 Nonlinear Dynamics in Frontal Polymerization
John A. Pojman, University of Southern Mississippi; and Vitaly Volpert, Université Lyon I, France

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LMH, 1/11/99, MMD, 2/9/99