Monday Afternoon, October 23

Numerical Simulations of Compressible Flows (Part II of III)

( For description, see Part I, MS7 )

Organizers: Shi Jin, Georgia Institute of Technology and Jian-Guo Liu, Temple University

4:30 Adaptive Cartesian Grid Methods for Compressible Flow in Arbitrary Geometries
Richard B. Pember, John B. Bell, Phillip Colella, William Crutchfield, and Jeffrey A. Greenough, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

5:00 Positive Schemes for Solving Multi-dimensional Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
Xu-Dong Liu and Peter D. Lax, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

5:30 Lattlces Boltzmann Simulation for Compressible Phase Transition
Shiyi Chen, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and Daniel Martinez, Los Alamos National Laboratory

6:00 Convergence of Multigrid Methods for Hyperbolic Problems
K. Samuelsson and Anders Szepessy, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

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