Tuesday, November 7

Freeform Curves

Chair: P.D. Kaklis
National Technological University of Athens,Greece

4:15 The Shift Principle in Curve and Surface Design
Ute Pohl, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
4:35 The Uniqueness of Bezier Curve Parametrization
Thomas P. Berry, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela, and Richard R. Patterson, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
4:55 Fractional Decomposition of Rational Curves
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, LIMSI-CNRS, France
5:15 Smooth Curve Modeling Using Generalized Conic Splines
Ruibin Qu, National University of Singapore, Singapore
5:35 A Parallel Algorithm for B-Spline Curve Interpolation
Lucia Maddalena and Marco D'Apuzzo, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
5:55 Fitting Parametric Curves to Dense and Noisy Point Sets
William T. Krieger and Ardeshir Goshtasby, University of Illinois, Chicago

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