4:15 - 6:15 PM / Monday, November 6

Surface Reconstruction

Moderators: Hugues Hoppe, Microsoft Research and Richard H. Bartels, University of Waterloo, Canada

Surface Reconstruction from an Optimal Triangulation
John K. Johnstone and Kenneth R. Sloan, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Arbitrary Topology Shape Reconstruction from Planar Cross Sections
Kwun-Nan Lin, Chandrajit L. Bajaj and Edward J. Coyle, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Surface Reconstruction for Reverse Engineering of An Aircraft
J. Huband and Wu Li, Old Dominion University, and R. Smith, NASA Langley Research Center
Adaptive Reconstruction of Surfaces and Scalar Fields from Scattered Trivariate Data
Fausto Bernardini, Chandrajit Bajaj and Xu Guoliang, Purdue University, West Lafayette

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