Monday, November 6

Multiresolution Methods for Irregular Geometry

Multiresolution techniques have lead to the creation of elegant and efficient methods for processing regular geometry. Many real world applications in CAGD require the use of irregular geometry. This minisymposium focuses on new developments in extending multiresolution methods to irregular geometry. The first two speaker will discuss new methods for building multiresolution spaces over irregular triangulations (using subdivision and the Powell-Sabin split, respectively). The final two speakers will discuss a powerful new multiresolution representation for polyhedra and a method for converting arbitrary polyhedra into this representation.

Organizer: Joe D. Warren Rice University

10:30 Subdivision Methods for Irregular Triangulations
Joe Warren, Organizer
11:00 Multiresolution Spaces Based on Powell-Sabin Splits
Hans-Peter Seidel, University of Erlangen, Germany
11:30 Multiresolution Analysis of Arbitrary Meshes I
Michael Lounsbery, Alias Research, Seattle
12:00 Multiresolution Analysis of Arbitrary Meshes II
Matthias Eck, University of Darmstadt, Germany

Transportation | Registration | Hotel Information | Program Overview | Speaker Index
