Wednesday, November 8

Shape Optimization and the Creation of Fair Surfaces

When designing a surface that must satisfy certain constraints, it is often difficult to match the degrees of freedom to the number of constraints exactly. Moreover, often one desires additional degrees of freedom in order to be able to design a fair surface. One approach for handling such problems has gained a lot of interest in recent times. Briefly, this approach operates by constraining the remaining degrees of freedom so that the shape becomes optimal. This is done by minimizing appropriate functionals that somehow measure the fairness of a surface. The speakers in this minisymposium will report on recent achievements in applying optimization methods to problems in the design of surfaces.

Organizers: Tom Lyche, University of Oslo, Norway and Guenther Greiner, University of Erlangen, Germany

10:30 Globally Optimized Fair Curves and Surfaces
Carlo H. Sequin, University of California, Berkeley
11:00 Creating Surfaces with Bounded Radius of Curvature
Alan K. Jones, Boeing Information & Support Services, Seattle
11:30 Smooth B-Spline Surface Approximations to Scattered Data
Josef Hoschek and Ulrich Dietz, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
12:00 Variational Approach to Scattered Data Interpolation
Guenther Greiner, Organizer

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