Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences
See General Information for additional information about how to prepare your presentation.
1 May 2009 -- World Health Organization is not recommending travel restrictions related to the outbreak of the influenza A(H1N1) virus.
Organizing Committee
Todd Arbogast (chair), University of Texas at Austin, USA
Sabine Attinger, Helmoltz Centre of Environmental Research, Germany
Omar Ghattas, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Francis Giraldo, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
William G. Gray, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF ICT, Norway
Susan Minkoff, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Gabriel Wittum, Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Local Organizers
Sabine Attinger ([email protected])
Olaf Kolditz ([email protected])
Sindy Rosenkranz ([email protected])
Conference Secretary
F&U confirm
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: +49 341 235 2264
fax: +49 341 235 2782
[email protected]
From points of view ranging from science to public policy, interest in modeling and simulation of geosystems and their applications. Some examples include petroleum exploration and recovery, underground waste disposal and cleanup of hazardous waste, earthquake prediction, weather prediction, and global climate change. Such modeling is fundamentally interdisciplinary; physical and mathematical modeling at appropriate scales, physical experiments, mathematical theory, probability and statistics, numerical approximations, and large-scale computational algorithms all have important roles to play.
This conference facilitates communication between scientists of varying backgrounds and work environments facing similar issues in different fields, and provides a forum in which advances in parts of the larger modeling picture can become known to those working in other parts. These kinds of interactions are needed for meaningful progress in understanding and predicting complex physical phenomena in the geosciences.
Funding Agency
SIAM and the Conference Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this conference.
Atmospheric modeling
CO2 sequestration
Data assimilation
Earth biosphere systems
Earth dynamics
Geology/geophysics & petrology
Global climate change
Inverse modeling
Iterative solution methods
Multiphase flows
Nuclear waste disposal
Numerical approximation of differential equations
Numerical error propagation & estimation
Ocean modeling
Polar ice flows
Pore-scale characterization
Reactive contaminant transport
Stochastic partial differential equations
Structural modeling & grid generation
Subsurface characterization & monitoring
Surface water
Uncertainty quantification
Upscaling & multiscale Methods
Validation & verification
Weather prediction
Important Deadlines
November 14, 2008: Minisymposium proposals
December 15, 2008: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
March 31, 2009
Fees for the conference are as follows:
(Subject to change)
GS09 - Conference Registration Fees | SIAG Member |
SIAM Member |
Speakers |
Non-Member |
Student* |
Pre-registration (on or before 3/31/09) | 245€ |
255€ |
255€ |
365€ |
115€ |
After Pre-registration deadline (after 3/31/09) | 315€ |
325€ |
325€ |
455€ |
135€ |
GS09 - Conference Registration Fees | Conference Dinner |
Excursion |
Guided Historial City Walk |
Pre-registration (on or before 3/31/09) | 35€ |
45€ |
5€ |
After Pre-registration deadline (after 3/31/09) | 35€ |
55€ |
5€ |