Students are the future of applied mathematics and computational science. SIAM welcomes students with opportunities to participate in SIAM, as well as online resources on education and careers.
Right: The Universidade de São Paulo (USP-Brazil) Chapter of SIAM in Brazil visit a Research Institute.
Student MembershipsSIAM Memberships for students are greatlydiscounted or free. |
Student ChaptersJoin an existing SIAM student chapter or start a new one. |
Student Prizes and Travel AwardsOpportunities for travel and recognition! |
Educational Resources for Students and EducatorsStudents, browse our online guides to graduate and undergraduate programs. Educators, review SIAM-sponsored reports and surveys on educational issues. |
Careers in MathematicsHere's what you can do with that math degree. |
Gene Golub SIAM Summer SchoolThe Gene Golub Summer School offers free graduate level summer schools in applied mathematics, computational science, and industrial mathematics for up to 50 doctoral students. |
Job Search Resources for StudentsLearn how to conduct a job search. Sign up for the Career Fair at the SIAM Annual Meeting. |
Fellowship & Research OpportunitiesSee what's available for graduate and undergraduate students. |
MathWorks Math Modeling ChallengeWith the goal of making math relatable to every-day life, M3 Challenge has drawn the participation of more than 37,000 students (one third female), 4,000 high schools, 5,000 teachers, and 400 professional mathematician judges and has awarded more than $1.2 million in scholarships since 2006 |
Mathematics ResourcesLinks to a variety of math websites. |
Accepting papers for our electronic
publication devoted to undergraduate research in applied and computational
mathematics. |
Student NewsNews about and for our student members. |
Math CompetitionsMath contests for middle school, high school, and undergraduate students. |
Why Do MathMathematical and computational analyses have proved to be uniquely insightful for solving a myriad of problems in science, society and our everyday lives. Why Do Math highlights solutions to many of these problems. |
Math Matters, Apply It!An awareness campaign to help people learn more about the mathematics behind everyday life and the technologies we encounter. |