Friday, October 31

Recent Developments in Eigenvalue Perturbation Theory and Algorithms (Part II of II)

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Room: Ballroom 1

(For description, see Part I, MS4).

Organizer: Roy Mathias
College of William & Mary

3:00 Computing the Singular Value Decomposition with High Relative Accuracy
Ming Gu, University of California, Los Angeles; James Demmel, University of California, Berkeley; Stanley Eisenstat, Yale University, Zlatco Drmac, University of Colorado, Boulder; Kresimer Veselic, Fernuniversitat Hagan, and I. Slapnicar, University of Split, Croatia
3:30 What Does it Mean for Hermitian Eigenvalue Problem to be Well-Behaved?
Jesse L. Barlow, Pennsylvania State University; and Ivan Slapnicar, University of Split, Croatia
4:00 On Accurate Algorithms for Canonical Correlations, Weighted Least Squares and Related Generalized Eigenvalue and Singular Value Decompositions
Zlatko Drmac, University of Colorado, Boulder
4:30 The Fundamental Role of Weyl's and Ostrowskii's Inequalities
Roy Mathias, Organizer

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MMD, 4/17/97
tjf, 6/13/97
MMD, 8/6/97