Wednesday, October 29

Linear Algebra in Signal Processing

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room: Ballroom 2

Linear algebra is one of the most useful tools in signal processing. However, the stability of algorithms and the ill-conditioning of problems must be considered when solving signal processing problems on computers because of finite precision arithmetic. In this minisymposium, the speakers will consider applications of linear algebra to signal processing and investigate the stability and ill-conditioning issues that arise.

Organizer: James R. Bunch
University of California, San Diego

10:00 Stability, Finite Precision, and Adaptive Filtering in Signal Processing
Richard C. LeBorne, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
10:30 Algorithms and Architectures for Fast Recursive Least Squares
Ian K. Proudler, Defense Evaluation and Research Agency, United Kingdom
11:00 Fast TLS Algorithm Based on the Low-Rank Revealing ULV Decomposition with Applications in MRS Data Quantification
Sabine Van Huffel and Leentje Vanhamme, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; and Ricardo Fierro, California State University, San Marcos
11:30 A Blind Deconvolution Method for Image Restoration
Michael K. Ng, Australian National University, Australia; Robert J. Plemmons, Wake Forest University; and Sanzheng Qiao, McMaster University, Canada

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MMD, 5/14/97
tjf, 6/13/97