Wednesday,October 29

Combinatorial and Algebraic Matrix Theory

10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Room: Ballroom 3

Many current lines of research in matrix theory are concerned with the placement of entries in a matrix (zeros versus nonzeros, positively signed entries versus negatively signed entries, etc.). Combinatorial ideas such as graphs and digraphs have remarkable connections with several matrix theoretic concepts, e.g., nonsingularity, factorizations, eigenvalues, and determinantal maximization. Another theme involving the entries of a matrix is associating an algebraic structure with the minors of a matrix of a fixed size to give new information about certain generalized inverses. Applications include qualitative properties of mathematical models and statistical design theory.

Organizer: Wayne W. Barrett
Brigham Young University

10:00 John Maybee's Contributions to Combinatorial Matrix Theory
J. Richard Lundgren, University of Colorado, Denver
10:30 A Group-Theoretic Generalization of the Laplacian
Michael Lundquist, Brigham Young University
(Cancelled) 11:00 Some Remarks on Eigenvalues of Graphs
Robert Grone, San Diego State University
11:30 The Image of the Adjoint Mapping
Donald W. Robinson, Brigham Young University

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MMD, 10/24/97