Thursday, October 30

Matrix Functions

3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Room: Ballroom 2

Functions of matrices arise in many areas of scientific computation. The exponential is intimately associated with the solution of differential equations and the logarithm arises in corresponding inverse problems. The square root of a matrix is a useful theoretical tool and needs to be computed in some applications. The speakers in this minisymposium will describe recent progress on the theory of matrix functions and on their numerical computation. They will give an overview of recent progress in the theory and computation of matrix functions. They will not assume prior knowledge of research in this area.

Organizer: Nicholas J. Higham
University of Manchester, United Kingdom

3:00 Stable Iterations for the Matrix Square Root
Nicholas J. Higham, Organizer
3:30 A Chain Rule for Matrix Functions
Roy Mathias, College of William & Mary
4:00 Schur-Frechet Algorithms for Matrix Functions
Charles S. Kenney, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Alan J. Laub, University of California, Davis
4:30 Logarithms of Matrices and Applications
Luca Dieci, Georgia Institute of Technology; and Benedetta Morini, Alessandra Papini, and Aldo Pasquali, University of Florence, Italy

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MMD, 4/17/97
tjf, 6/13/97
MMD, 6/25/97