SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences
July 31-August 4, 2006
Brownstone Hotel & Conference Center
1707 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, North Carolina
Co-sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on the Life Sciences and the Society for Mathematical Biology
The Lee Segel Forum: Non-Academic Careers for Mathematical Life Scientists, Thursday, August 3, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
- Panel Members:
Rory Conolly, Environmental Protection Agency
Kirk Jordan, IBM Corporation, Plenary Speaker
Scott Lett, Bioanalytics Group
Russell Thomas, Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology
Frank Tobin, GlaxoSmithKlineModerator:
Robert M. Miura, Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Panel Members:
BEST POSTER PRIZE AT JOINT SMB-SIAM CONFERENCE ON THE LIFE SCIENCES- On behalf of the journals Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (formerly Journal of Theoretical Medicine) and Journal of Biological Dynamics (New for 2007), Taylor & Francis are pleased to sponsor a best poster prize at the Joint SMB-SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, July 31st - 4th August 2006. There will be a prize for the best poster by a graduate student and also for the best poster by a postdoc. We are pleased to offer the winners a prize of US $125 in addition to US $125 worth of book vouchers for any Taylor & Francis books.
The Research Triangle Institute (RTI) located in Research Triangle Park, NC is sponsoring a cash prize for the best research presentation (oral or poster) in EPIDEMIOLOGY at the SMB/SIAM-LS meeting. - The Holiday Inn Brownstone Hotel & Conference Center has SOLD OUT of rooms!A dditional rooms are available at the University Towers ( 919-327-3800) and Fax is 919-327-3831, and also at the tThe Velvet Cloak Inn, ( 919-828-0333.)
Workshop on Modeling Circadian Rhythmicity, Sleep Regulation and Neurobehavioral Function
This workshop is held in conjunction with the SIAM-SMB Conference on the Life Sciences. The workshop is funded by a grant from The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)Special SMB Banquet speaker, Martin Golubitsky, "Examples of Symmetry in Neuroscience."
The banquet is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the NCSU Talley Student Center.
To attend the banquet, please register ON SITE.- Additional housing information can be found here (pdf)
- Mentoring Program for Junior Scientists attending the 2006 Joint SIAM/SMB Conference on the Life Sciences.
- The LS06 navigation links can be found on the right side of this page.
- Minisymposium submission DEADLINE EXTENSION!
December 30 , 2005February 15, 2006
Steve Cox, Rice University
Tim Elston, University of North Carolina
Charles Smith, North Carolina State University
Organizing Committee
Stephen P. Ellner, Cornell University,
Alun Lloyd, North Carolina State University
Alex Mogilner, University of California at Davis
Arthur Sherman, NIH
David Terman, Ohio State University
Frank Tobin, Glaxo Smith Kline
Mary Lou Zeeman, University of Texas at San Antonio