SIAM Elects Board and Council Members
December 18, 2012
This fall's SIAM election was no exception to the quietly dignified events evoked by retiring president Nick Trefethen in this issue's column. In fact, with Trefethen about to depart and a president-elect---Irene Fonseca of Carnegie Mellon University---ready to take office in January 2013, voters focused on the SIAM Council, with four seats to be filled, and the Board of Trustees, with three.
The membership elected Lisa Fauci of Tulane University to a second term on the board, along with two members new to the group: George Papanicolaou of Stanford University (whose work on risk in financial markets is featured in this issue of SIAM News) and Fadil Santosa, director of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota. Board terms are three years, and a member can serve at most three consecutive terms.
George Papanicolaou
Fadil Santosa
The council gained one new member: Andreas Griewank of Humboldt University in Germany. Voters re-elected three incumbents: Tim Davis of the University of Florida; Craig Evans of the University of California, Berkeley; and Carol Woodward of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Council members also serve three-year terms but are limited to two consecutive terms.
Andreas Griewank
SIAM thanks those who ran for election as well as all who voted. Special thanks are due to retiring longtime board members Marsha Berger of the Courant Institute, New York University, and Alfio Quarteroni of Ecole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne.